Stories By Samuel Minale
ስንክሳር * Sinksar – (Lives of Saints)
April 4, 2020ስንክሳር ማለት የእግዚአብሔርን ረድኤት አጋዥ በማድረግ በበጎ ስጦታውም የተሰበሰበ ማለት ነው፡፡
Puzzle: Ethiopian Tourist Attraction Sites
April 3, 2020Download: Play & Win the Puzzle to get the details of the Tourist Attraction Site !!...
Ethiopian Tourist Attraction Sites
April 3, 2020We all know that the beauty of Ethiopia amazes visitors from all around the world because...
Etel 630 |Ethiopian Telecom in Easy Mode ኢትዮ ቴሎኮምን በቀላሉ + Amole
April 3, 2020ከ " Ethiopian Telecom in Easy Mode ኢትዮ ቴሎኮምን በቀላሉ " ለመያዝ ቀለል ወደ ሚለው ወደ...
Telecom Malawi in Easy Mode: Auto Camera Enabled
April 3, 2020Download Link: Here is an App for Malawi Telecommunication Corporation Customers Which contains most of the services for...